Vitamin C
Our intestinal flora actually produces vitamin C (ascorbic acid), when we are healthy and eat natural and whole food. As everyone might already know, the vitamin C is helpful when you start having the common cold or flu symptoms, thanks to its antihistamine. So just to say, it is not a myth and its immediate action is confirmed.
Here are a few numbers and facts you will want to know for a proper use and dosage of your main booster vitamin:
1/ For most healthy people with a diet close to a vegetarian one, the intake could be around 500mg daily. But If your diet is composed of lots of veggies, and some sprouts and fruits, it should naturally exceed 1000mg already
2/ A daily intake of more than 1250mg reduces chromium and calcium ingestion. Chromium (of which the nowadays intake is often greatly deficient) absorption is the best when vitamin C uptake is between 400 ans 1250mg daily
3/ If taken above 1500mg, then it is the copper uptake which is counteracted, leading to the reduction of the superoxide dismutase, an essential enzyme benefiting our immunity
4/ A higher amount is needed for people eating a lot of meat. That would be around 1000mg daily. Or for people with high blood pressure or heart disease, since vitamin C reduces blood fat and cholesterol
5/ The above is also true for individuals with certain chronic immune disorders, because C has antioxidant properties
6/ Vitamin C helps with the metabolism of GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid), a substance we can find in sources of Omega-6 fatty acids, such as borage oil, blackcurrant oil, evening primrose oil, and spirulina. It protects your arteries and your heart, has anti-inflammatory effects, and stimulates your immune system
8/ The absorption of iron is also increased by C. Good sources are: bell pepper, broccoli, cabbage, parsley, rose hip, sprouts, strawberry, but actually most of the fresh fruits and vegetables. Those whole foods will then not only supply you with vitamin C, but also with bioflavonoids, powerful antioxidants!
Little recipe from the heart: Pour yourself rose hips with camomille, catnip, scullcap or valerian to soothe your nerves